Friday, February 27, 2004
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "16. What was the strongest earthquake in recent times?A 1960 Chilean earthquake, which occurred off the coast, had a magnitude of 9.6 and broke a fault more than 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) long. An earthquake like that under a major city would challenge the best construction techniques."
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "14. What is the largest volcano?
The Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii holds the title here on Earth. It rises more than 50,000 feet (9.5 miles or 15.2 kilometers) above its base, which sits under the surface of the sea. But that's all volcanic chump change. Olympus Mons on Mars rises 16 miles (26 kilometers) into the Martian sky. Its base would almost cover the entire state of Arizona."
The Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii holds the title here on Earth. It rises more than 50,000 feet (9.5 miles or 15.2 kilometers) above its base, which sits under the surface of the sea. But that's all volcanic chump change. Olympus Mons on Mars rises 16 miles (26 kilometers) into the Martian sky. Its base would almost cover the entire state of Arizona."
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "8. Where is the world�s highest waterfall?The water of Angel Falls in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet (979 meters)."
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "3. What makes thunder?
If you thought, 'Lightning!' then hats off to you. But I had a more illuminating answer in mind. The air around a lightning bolt is superheated to about five times the temperature of the Sun. This sudden heating causes the air to expand faster than the speed of sound, which compresses the air and forms a shock wave; we hear it as thunder."
If you thought, 'Lightning!' then hats off to you. But I had a more illuminating answer in mind. The air around a lightning bolt is superheated to about five times the temperature of the Sun. This sudden heating causes the air to expand faster than the speed of sound, which compresses the air and forms a shock wave; we hear it as thunder."
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "2. And the coldest place around here?Far and away, the coldest temperature ever measured on Earth was -129 Fahrenheit (-89 Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983."
101 Amazing Earth Facts: "1. What is the hottest place on Earth?Count one wrong if you guessed Death Valley in California. True enough on many days. But El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on Sept. 13, 1922 -- the hottest ever measured. In Death Valley, it got up to 134 Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913. "
Water on Mars? Flood of Data, Trickle of Answers: "Spheres remain a mystery
No more information was provided yesterday on spherical grains in the soil and rock of Mars that have puzzled geologists since early February.
The spherules, as they are called, might have formed in the presence of water, but they could also be the result of a volcanic eruption or meteor impact. This week a couple of spheres were sliced in half and photographed, but they've not been fully analyzed. "
No more information was provided yesterday on spherical grains in the soil and rock of Mars that have puzzled geologists since early February.
The spherules, as they are called, might have formed in the presence of water, but they could also be the result of a volcanic eruption or meteor impact. This week a couple of spheres were sliced in half and photographed, but they've not been fully analyzed. " " Though 'many outstanding priests of a homosexual orientation' maintain celibacy, it's significant that more than 80 percent of abuse incidents involved males under 18. "
HeadWize Forums - Headphone Reviews: "The MDR-DS3000 was first released in Japan in Sept. 2003 and according to Nikkei Business Magazine, has done so well that many retailers sold their entire stock before year's end. This is the new entry-level product in the Sony Wireless Surround headphones line that includes the DS5100 and the DS8000.
Here are the specs:
- Sony's own virtualizer technology produces 5.1 channel sound in stereo headphones, supported Dolby Digital and DTS decoding. The virtualizer uses a Logic 3D Processor (running at 125MIPS).
- The transmitter is digital infrared and can send to multiple headphones (MDR-IF3000).
- An 'intelligent' mute function cuts out noise when headphones are out of range
- Automatic power-saving shuts infrared signal output down if an audio signal is not received in 10 minutes.
- The MDR-IF3000 is an open headphone (30mm drivers) and runs on two batteries.
The DS3000 retails for about $189 US. Distribution is mainly in Japan, but the DS3000 is available at and and"
Here are the specs:
- Sony's own virtualizer technology produces 5.1 channel sound in stereo headphones, supported Dolby Digital and DTS decoding. The virtualizer uses a Logic 3D Processor (running at 125MIPS).
- The transmitter is digital infrared and can send to multiple headphones (MDR-IF3000).
- An 'intelligent' mute function cuts out noise when headphones are out of range
- Automatic power-saving shuts infrared signal output down if an audio signal is not received in 10 minutes.
- The MDR-IF3000 is an open headphone (30mm drivers) and runs on two batteries.
The DS3000 retails for about $189 US. Distribution is mainly in Japan, but the DS3000 is available at and and"
Fossils found in Antarctica from 2 new dinosaur species / St. Mary's College scientist involved: "Two teams of fossil hunters working separately in Antarctica have discovered bones of two types of unknown dinosaurs -- a voracious meat-eater on the shores of an ancient island once buried beneath the sea, and a placid plant-eater on the slopes of what is now an inland mountain 13,000 feet high. " U.S.: "Radio talk show host Howard Stern will lose almost $1 million as a result of Clear Channel Communications Inc.'s decision to suspend his show because of indecent content, the New York Post reported, citing unidentified people in the industry.
Stern makes as much as $10 million annually, selling his syndicated talk show to about 40 stations nationwide, the Post reported. Stern and his agent and partner Don Buchwald charge radio stations about $250,000 a year to have the show delivered by satellite five days a week. "
Stern makes as much as $10 million annually, selling his syndicated talk show to about 40 stations nationwide, the Post reported. Stern and his agent and partner Don Buchwald charge radio stations about $250,000 a year to have the show delivered by satellite five days a week. "
Thursday, February 26, 2004
KAKE | Woman Collapses During Showing of "The Passion Of The Christ": "Woman Collapses During Showing of 'The Passion Of The Christ' "
STAR-TELEGRAM.COM - Fort Worth Dallas news, sports, cars, and jobs: "People saw fire coming out of my ears. About three seconds before, you know it's going to hit you. There's absolute silence in the eye of the storm. Then it felt like someone took his hands and hit my ears with massive force.'I had pink-red static in my eyes for about seven seconds. Then I could hear Mel screaming, `What the blankety-blank happened? Makeup! Hair!' I looked like I'd been to see Don King's stylist. I felt like, if it had hit me like it should have, it would have just blown my heart out. And I looked upward and said, `What -- you didn't like that take?'"The lightning incident
STAR-TELEGRAM.COM - Fort Worth Dallas news, sports, cars, and jobs: "The man in Christ's shoes
A man of quiet faith, the star of 'The Passion of the Christ' talks about his work and his ethics"
A man of quiet faith, the star of 'The Passion of the Christ' talks about his work and his ethics"
Steven D. Greydanus: "As I contemplate Mel Gibson�s The Passion of the Christ, the sequence I keep coming back to, again and again, is the scourging at the pillar."
See the News Items: "How about a movie joke about Islam or one with a Muslim murderer? I dare you to produce a movie about an adulterous rabbi or a slapstick Torah. Anyone for criticizing Orthodox Jews for discriminating because men and women worship separately? How about suggesting a revision of Islam because of its treatment of women, to say nothing of 'non-believers,' the infamous infidels."
See the News Items: "Where were they when a crucifix submerged in urine was called art? A picture of the Virgin, smeared with elephant dung was also called art. Where were the demands for script changes in movies portraying Jesus as homosexual, or married, or promiscuous? How about books or theatricals depicting priests or nuns in the most insulting and fabricated situations that pretend to reality? "
See the News Items: "Foxman not only rails against the film, he actually met with Vatican officials this week, urging them to challenge Gibson and tell him that the film contradicts Catholic teaching. Can you imagine? He thinks he knows more about Catholicism than the Vatican! How contemptible."
See the News Items: "Ultimately, what they despise isn't necessarily Mel Gibson or his film. They hate his religion, the Bible, the story it relates and, they especially hate the Catholic Church..."
RFID Journal - RFID Speeds Up Bogot�: "RFID Speeds Up Bogot�
By placing Identec tags on 23,000 busses, the Colombian city removes a major cause of traffic jams."
By placing Identec tags on 23,000 busses, the Colombian city removes a major cause of traffic jams."
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
NetManager - Arriva il touch-pad sui cellulari: "Arriva il touch-pad sui cellulari
Si potr� navigare in Internet e pagare con il riconoscimento delle impronte digitali: una rivoluzione per l'm-commerce
La Atrua Tecnologies ha presentato oggi un nuovo touch-pad per cellulari. Il sistema si chiama Atrua Wings e permetter� agli utenti di scorrere i menu dei telefoni e di scegliere le opzioni con il tocco di un dito.
Il sensore di movimento progettato da Atrua potr� anche riconoscere l�impronta digitale dell�utente e garantir� quindi maggiore sicurezza nel commercio elettronico (m-commerce) e in tutti i tipi di transazioni finanziarie.
Presto potremo vedere questa nuova tecnologia touchpad applicata sui cellulari in commercio, la societ� della Silicon Valley che l�ha ideata � infatti partecipata da alcuni colossi della telefonia mobile come Nokia ed Ericsson oltre che da societ� di primo piano nel campo tecnologico come Acer e Intel. "
Si potr� navigare in Internet e pagare con il riconoscimento delle impronte digitali: una rivoluzione per l'm-commerce
La Atrua Tecnologies ha presentato oggi un nuovo touch-pad per cellulari. Il sistema si chiama Atrua Wings e permetter� agli utenti di scorrere i menu dei telefoni e di scegliere le opzioni con il tocco di un dito.
Il sensore di movimento progettato da Atrua potr� anche riconoscere l�impronta digitale dell�utente e garantir� quindi maggiore sicurezza nel commercio elettronico (m-commerce) e in tutti i tipi di transazioni finanziarie.
Presto potremo vedere questa nuova tecnologia touchpad applicata sui cellulari in commercio, la societ� della Silicon Valley che l�ha ideata � infatti partecipata da alcuni colossi della telefonia mobile come Nokia ed Ericsson oltre che da societ� di primo piano nel campo tecnologico come Acer e Intel. "
NetManager - Arriva il touch-pad sui cellulari: "Arriva il touch-pad sui cellulari
Si potr� navigare in Internet e pagare con il riconoscimento delle impronte digitali: una rivoluzione per l'm-commerce
La Atrua Tecnologies ha presentato oggi un nuovo touch-pad per cellulari. Il sistema si chiama Atrua Wings e permetter� agli utenti di scorrere i menu dei telefoni e di scegliere le opzioni con il tocco di un dito.
Il sensore di movimento progettato da Atrua potr� anche riconoscere l�impronta digitale dell�utente e garantir� quindi maggiore sicurezza nel commercio elettronico (m-commerce) e in tutti i tipi di transazioni finanziarie.
Presto potremo vedere questa nuova tecnologia touchpad applicata sui cellulari in commercio, la societ� della Silicon Valley che l�ha ideata � infatti partecipata da alcuni colossi della telefonia mobile come Nokia ed Ericsson oltre che da societ� di primo piano nel campo tecnologico come Acer e Intel. "
Si potr� navigare in Internet e pagare con il riconoscimento delle impronte digitali: una rivoluzione per l'm-commerce
La Atrua Tecnologies ha presentato oggi un nuovo touch-pad per cellulari. Il sistema si chiama Atrua Wings e permetter� agli utenti di scorrere i menu dei telefoni e di scegliere le opzioni con il tocco di un dito.
Il sensore di movimento progettato da Atrua potr� anche riconoscere l�impronta digitale dell�utente e garantir� quindi maggiore sicurezza nel commercio elettronico (m-commerce) e in tutti i tipi di transazioni finanziarie.
Presto potremo vedere questa nuova tecnologia touchpad applicata sui cellulari in commercio, la societ� della Silicon Valley che l�ha ideata � infatti partecipata da alcuni colossi della telefonia mobile come Nokia ed Ericsson oltre che da societ� di primo piano nel campo tecnologico come Acer e Intel. "
Monday, February 23, 2004
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