Friday, April 29, 2005
American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank: "THE ONLINE SPEECH BANK is an index to and growing database of 5000+ full text, audio and video (streaming) versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two. There are currently [453] active links in this site area. Links are arranged alphabetically by first name and checked for errors at least once every two weeks."
The Top 100 American Speeches in the 20th Century: "THE TOP 100 SPEECHES is an index to and partial database of full text transcriptions of the 100 most significant American political speeches of the 20th century, according to a list compiled by Professors Stephen E. Lucas and Martin J. Medhurst. Dr. Lucas is Evjue-Bascom Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Medhurst is Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Communication at Baylor University (Texas). 137 leading scholars of American public address were asked to recommend speeches on the basis of social and political impact, and rhetorical artistry."
Rhetorical Devices in Sound: "Rhetorical Figures in Sound is a compendium of 200+ brief audio (mp3) clips illustrating 37 different figures of speech. Most of these figures were constructed, identified, and classified by Greek and Roman teachers of rhetoric in the Classical period. For each rhetorical device, definitions and examples, written and audio, are provided. Audio examples are taken from public speeches and sermons, movies, songs, lectures, oral interpretations of literature, and other media events. Some artifacts have been edited further to make the devices easier to detect. In the interest of diversity, "
A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples:
"Socrates: The fact is, as we said at the beginning of our discussion, that the aspiring speaker needs no knowledge of the truth about what is right or good... In courts of justice no attention is paid whatever to the truth about such topics; all that matters is plausibility... There are even some occasions when both prosecution and defence should positively suppress the facts in favor of probability, if the facts are improbable. Never mind the truth -- pursue probability through thick and thin in every kind of speech; the whole secret of the art of speaking lies in consistent adherence to this principle.
Phaedrus: That is what those who claim to be professional teachers of rhetoric actually say, Socrates.
--Plato, Phaedrus 272"
"Socrates: The fact is, as we said at the beginning of our discussion, that the aspiring speaker needs no knowledge of the truth about what is right or good... In courts of justice no attention is paid whatever to the truth about such topics; all that matters is plausibility... There are even some occasions when both prosecution and defence should positively suppress the facts in favor of probability, if the facts are improbable. Never mind the truth -- pursue probability through thick and thin in every kind of speech; the whole secret of the art of speaking lies in consistent adherence to this principle.
Phaedrus: That is what those who claim to be professional teachers of rhetoric actually say, Socrates.
--Plato, Phaedrus 272"
You gotta read what high school seniors and college freshmen from across the United States and Britain are writing...
It's at least astonishing.
Awful Ethos:
(2) The pyramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.
(3) Pharaoh forced the Hebrew slaves to make bread without straw. Moses led the Hebrews to Mount Cyanide, but he died before he ever reached Canada.
(4) The Greeks invented three kinds of columns: corinthian, ironic, and dorc. They also built the Apocalypse.
(5) In Greek mythology, the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he became intolerable. Achilles appears in The Iliad, by Homer. Homer also wrote The Oddity.
(6) Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. He died from an overdose of wedlock.
(7) Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. He was killed by his friend Brutus and a group of senators. Dying he gasped out the words, 'Tee hee, Brutus.'
(8) The Middle Ages came next, and King Alfred conquered the Dames. King Arthur lived in the age of shivery. King Harold mustarded his troops before the Battle of Hastings. Victims of the blue-bonnet plague grew boobs on their necks.
(9) In mid-evil times, most people were alliterate. The greatest writer of the futile ages was Chaucer.
(10) The Renaissance was an age in which more individuals felt their value as human beings. Martin Luther was nailed to the church door at Wittenberg for selling papal indulgences. He died a horrible death, being excommunicated by a bull.
(11) When Henry VIII ruled England, he had difficulty walking because he had an abbess on his knee.
(12) Queen Elizabeth's navy went out and defeated the Spanish Armadillo.
(13) Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world "
It's at least astonishing.
Awful Ethos:
(2) The pyramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.
(3) Pharaoh forced the Hebrew slaves to make bread without straw. Moses led the Hebrews to Mount Cyanide, but he died before he ever reached Canada.
(4) The Greeks invented three kinds of columns: corinthian, ironic, and dorc. They also built the Apocalypse.
(5) In Greek mythology, the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he became intolerable. Achilles appears in The Iliad, by Homer. Homer also wrote The Oddity.
(6) Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. He died from an overdose of wedlock.
(7) Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. He was killed by his friend Brutus and a group of senators. Dying he gasped out the words, 'Tee hee, Brutus.'
(8) The Middle Ages came next, and King Alfred conquered the Dames. King Arthur lived in the age of shivery. King Harold mustarded his troops before the Battle of Hastings. Victims of the blue-bonnet plague grew boobs on their necks.
(9) In mid-evil times, most people were alliterate. The greatest writer of the futile ages was Chaucer.
(10) The Renaissance was an age in which more individuals felt their value as human beings. Martin Luther was nailed to the church door at Wittenberg for selling papal indulgences. He died a horrible death, being excommunicated by a bull.
(11) When Henry VIII ruled England, he had difficulty walking because he had an abbess on his knee.
(12) Queen Elizabeth's navy went out and defeated the Spanish Armadillo.
(13) Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world "
re:invention blog - for women entrepreneurs: "You Can't Always Get What You Want. You Get What You Negotiate."
Mailinator: "You are on the web, at a party, or talking to your favorite insurance salesman. Wherever you are, someone (or some webpage) asks for your email. You know if you give it, you're gambling with your privacy. On the other hand, you do want at least one message from that person. The answer is to give them a mailinator address. You don't need to sign-up. You just make it up on the spot. Pick or - pick anything you want (up to 15 characters before the @ sign).
Later, come to this site and check that account. Its that easy. Mailinator accounts are created when mail arrives for them. No signup, no personal information, and when you're done - you can walk away - an instant solution to one way spammers get your address. Its an anti-spam solution for everyone. The messages are automatically deleted for you after a few hours.
Let'em spam."
Later, come to this site and check that account. Its that easy. Mailinator accounts are created when mail arrives for them. No signup, no personal information, and when you're done - you can walk away - an instant solution to one way spammers get your address. Its an anti-spam solution for everyone. The messages are automatically deleted for you after a few hours.
Let'em spam."
OneOffMail: "The idea behind this service is an instant recyclable email address: you use it once and toss it away, no email address - no spam. Creating an email account is a breath, in fact it does not require anything from you at all. Just give someone a random address and when a email is sent to this address new account will be created! "
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Takamine EG523SC Jumbo Cutaway Includes Takamine Hardshell Case a $129 Value and Free Items at Musicians Buy: "Takamine EG523SC Jumbo Cutaway Includes Takamine Hardshell Case a $129 Value and Free Items"
Defense Tech: EUROPE'S KILLER DRONES: "The Italians are about to start testing a prototype killer drone of their own"
Un sito davvero molto utile per discutere il celibato ecclesiasticoAlternative nella Chiesa - Introduzione
Culture of Conversation: Home: "Silence will not rebuild trust or contribute to the effective proclamation of the Gospel...Let us work together to create a culture of conversation, consultation, and collaboration among ourselves, within our organizations, and with the official structures of our Church"
Have you never want to learn easily Chemistry?
Here there is a site that is supposed for kids, but.... I would suggest for everyone curious about C H E M I S T R YRader's CHEM4KIDS.COM: "So you're asking, what is CHEMISTRY? Well... Here's our best definition. Chemistry is the study of MATTER and the changes that take place with that matter.
Don't ask us why that matters. It just does. A lot. Everything on Earth, everything in our solar system, everything in our galaxy, and everything in the universe is made up of matter. Matter is the name scientists have given to everything that you can touch, or see, or feel, or smell. Go take a look! "
Here there is a site that is supposed for kids, but.... I would suggest for everyone curious about C H E M I S T R YRader's CHEM4KIDS.COM: "So you're asking, what is CHEMISTRY? Well... Here's our best definition. Chemistry is the study of MATTER and the changes that take place with that matter.
Don't ask us why that matters. It just does. A lot. Everything on Earth, everything in our solar system, everything in our galaxy, and everything in the universe is made up of matter. Matter is the name scientists have given to everything that you can touch, or see, or feel, or smell. Go take a look! "
.074% for residential fuel cells.
0.21% for residential solar.
4.82% for home energy efficiency improvements.
Those are the numbers allocated by the new Energy Bill!!! | Free Market in Energy - Check the Math: "The real 'meat' of HR 6 is in the $8.09 billion of energy tax provisions, and according to the April 12th Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Tax analysis, the bill is weighted towards 'business as usual.'
The glimmer of hope, of course, is the $415 million of clean energy provisions; including, residential fuel cells for $6 million, residential solar for $18 million, and existing home energy efficiency improvements for $391 million. Please note that all these numbers calculated by CBO represents the 'loss' to the US Treasury for ten years, from 2005 - 2015.
So where did the other $7.675 billion go to? To the traditional energy industries, of course. The United States imported over $160 billion of oil and natural gas in 2004, and nothing in this Bill would change that. In fact, the tax provisions dump money into a set of petroleum and gas industries that have record profits.
Nuclear energy received a $1.313 billion benefit for decommissioning costs. The National Academy of Sciences just released its findings that the nuclear storage of waste in 'pools' was not the safest approach in the post-September 11th world, and press reports regarding cover-ups on the safety of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Test Site are being aired frequently."
0.21% for residential solar.
4.82% for home energy efficiency improvements.
Those are the numbers allocated by the new Energy Bill!!! | Free Market in Energy - Check the Math: "The real 'meat' of HR 6 is in the $8.09 billion of energy tax provisions, and according to the April 12th Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Tax analysis, the bill is weighted towards 'business as usual.'
The glimmer of hope, of course, is the $415 million of clean energy provisions; including, residential fuel cells for $6 million, residential solar for $18 million, and existing home energy efficiency improvements for $391 million. Please note that all these numbers calculated by CBO represents the 'loss' to the US Treasury for ten years, from 2005 - 2015.
So where did the other $7.675 billion go to? To the traditional energy industries, of course. The United States imported over $160 billion of oil and natural gas in 2004, and nothing in this Bill would change that. In fact, the tax provisions dump money into a set of petroleum and gas industries that have record profits.
Nuclear energy received a $1.313 billion benefit for decommissioning costs. The National Academy of Sciences just released its findings that the nuclear storage of waste in 'pools' was not the safest approach in the post-September 11th world, and press reports regarding cover-ups on the safety of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Test Site are being aired frequently."
Monday, April 25, 2005
Il Dialogo - Preti sposati? Si grazie!, Sono oltre centomila i preti sposati nel mondo.: "Discutiamo di una questione che sta facendo soffrire inutilmente moltissime persone."
::CHIF:: CHRISTIAN HOME INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION: "se il celibato obbligatorio avesse la stessa essenzialit� del sacramento dell'Ordine, la mancanza di tale requisito menomerebbe il sacerdozio non celibatario, come � in uso in Oriente e, per alcuni casi significativi, nello stesso Occidente"
La Chiesa che perdona e non comprende…i preti sposati: "Ottomila preti sposati in Italia e centomila nel mondo: forse sono piccoli numeri rispetto al totale dei sacerdoti cattolici ma, se si considera la grande quantit� di quelli che preferiscono vivere in segreto una storia d'amore, ci si render� conto che siamo di fronte a un fenomeno le cui proporzioni vanno oltre ogni aspettativa.
Questa inchiesta sul celibato ecclesiastico � basata su una serie di testimonianze di preti, e delle loro donne, che si sono trovati e si trovano a vivere prima la fase dell'innamoramento e poi la scelta di andare fino in fondo: sposarsi nonostante la contrariet� della gerarchia e della legge ecclesiastica. Molti i risvolti teneri e drammatici delle loro esperienze, che non possono non colpire profondamente l'animo di chi legge, perch� quello di preti sposati � un vero e proprio fenomeno sociale."
Questa inchiesta sul celibato ecclesiastico � basata su una serie di testimonianze di preti, e delle loro donne, che si sono trovati e si trovano a vivere prima la fase dell'innamoramento e poi la scelta di andare fino in fondo: sposarsi nonostante la contrariet� della gerarchia e della legge ecclesiastica. Molti i risvolti teneri e drammatici delle loro esperienze, che non possono non colpire profondamente l'animo di chi legge, perch� quello di preti sposati � un vero e proprio fenomeno sociale."
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