Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 'Can I quit now?' FEMA chief wrote as Katrina raged - Nov 3, 2005: "Rep. Charlie Melancon, whose district south of New Orleans was devastated by the hurricane, posted a sampling of e-mails written by Federal Emergency Management chief Michael Brown on his Web site on Wednesday.
The Democratic lawmaker cited several e-mails that he said show Brown's failures. In one, as employees looked for direction and support on the ravaged Gulf Coast, Brown offered to 'tweak' the federal response.
Two days after Katrina hit, Marty Bahamonde, one of the only FEMA employees in New Orleans, wrote to Brown that 'the situation is past critical' and listed problems including many people near death and food and water running out at the Superdome.
Brown's entire response was: 'Thanks for the update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?'"

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lister CS Clone Listeroid slow speed diesel engines and generators: "LISTEROID GENERATORS
Some listeroid engines are being manufactured to run at higher rpms to produce increased horsepower. I believe this takes away from major advantages of the engine. These include longevity, slower burn cycle, and the more pleasant sound of a slow speed listeroid diesel.
The listeroid single cylinder engine weighs around 700 lbs and produces 6 HP at 650 rpm and 8 HP at 850 rpm. The listeroid twin cylinder engine weighs around 1300lbs and produces 12 HP at 650 rpm and 16 HP at 850 rpm.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Alito's idea that women are not disadvantaged when they can not take maternity leave seems absurd, both intellectually and factually.

Angry Bear: "In 2000, Alito authored an opinion in which he ruled that the FMLA was an instance of unconstitutional congressional overreach. In particular, he said that the FMLA was unconstitutional because there was no evidence for the notion that women are disadvantaged in the workplace when they are not allowed to take family leave. Furthermore, he argued, the requirement that everyone be guaranteed 12 weeks of unpaid family leave was a disproportionately strong remedy"