Thursday, January 15, 2004

Dr. King Timeline: "1965
February 21: Malcolm X is assassinated in New York City.
March 9: Unitarian minister James Reeb is beaten by four white segregationists in Selma and dies two days later.
March 15: President Johnson addresses the nation and Congress, describing the voting rights bill he will submit, and uses the slogan of the civil rights movement, 'We Shall Overcome.'
March 21-25: Over three thousand protest marchers leave Selma for a march to Montgomery, protected by federall troops. They are joined along the way by a total of twenty-five thousand marchers. Upon reaching the capitol, they hear an address by Dr. King.
March 25: Viola Liuzzo is shot and killed while driving a marcher from Montgomery to Selma.
August 6: The 1965 Voting Rights Act is signed by President Johnson.
August 11-16: Thirty-five people die in riots in the Wattquiv="Content-Type" content="tex

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