Monday, February 21, 2005

The Moderate Independent: "John McCain can be just another partisan hack. After campaigning side by side with Bush and saying again and again he was doing so in particular because Bush had a better plan for the War on Iraq, as soon as the election was done, McCain admitted he thinks the way the war in Iraq is being fought is entirely wrong, and that, as Kerry said, we should have more troops over there and armor on the vehicles. Compare what McCain says just after the election above with what Kerry was saying way back in May in this article.
You think we needed more troops, Senator McCain? Have 'no confidence' in Rumsfeld and the way the Bush administration is fighting the war? Then you should have gotten behind your friend Kerry.
Obviously McCain was putting his 2008 presidential ambitions above the nation and what is best for the troops. And that is truly sad to see from a man who usually will put principle above party."

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