Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Michael Brown is testifying in front of the sham GOP congressional committee looking to whitewash the Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina.

Brown admitted making mistakes, but his admission was limited to the public relations efforts:

But I do believe there are a couple specific mistakes that I made that I want to put on the table right now. First, I failed initially to set up a series of regular briefings to the media about what FEMA was doing throughout the gulf coast region. Instead, I became tied to the news shows, going on the news shows early in the morning and late at night and that was just a mistake. We should have been feed that information to the press instead of -- and in the manner and in the time a we wanted to instead of letting the press drive us.

It's nice to know that Michael Brown thought the biggest problem with FEMA's response was going on news shows instead of holding press conferences. Something tells me the people of the Gulf Coast who lost their homes thought FEMA should have other priorities.

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