Friday, October 14, 2005

Knight Ridder Reporter Files Harrowing Account After Stint With Iraqi Military: "In a remarkable report published widely Thursday, Tom Lasseter, longtime Knight Ridder correspondent in its Baghdad bureau, reveals what he learned as possibly the first American journalist to embed with an all-Iraqi military operation in the war -- and it isn't pretty.

Lasseter writes that 'a week spent eating, sleeping and going on patrol with a crack unit of the Iraqi army' (the 4,500-member 1st Brigade of the 6th Iraqi Division) suggests that the Bush exit strategy of turning over military control to the Iraqis 'is in serious trouble. Instead of rising above the ethnic tension that's tearing their nation apart, the mostly Shiite troops are preparing for, if not already fighting, a civil war against the minority Sunni population.'

Indeed, the soldiers he traveled with are 'seeking revenge against the Sunnis who oppressed them during Saddam Hussein's rule.'"

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