Thursday, April 28, 2005

.074% for residential fuel cells.
0.21% for residential solar.
4.82% for home energy efficiency improvements.
Those are the numbers allocated by the new Energy Bill!!! | Free Market in Energy - Check the Math: "The real 'meat' of HR 6 is in the $8.09 billion of energy tax provisions, and according to the April 12th Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Tax analysis, the bill is weighted towards 'business as usual.'

The glimmer of hope, of course, is the $415 million of clean energy provisions; including, residential fuel cells for $6 million, residential solar for $18 million, and existing home energy efficiency improvements for $391 million. Please note that all these numbers calculated by CBO represents the 'loss' to the US Treasury for ten years, from 2005 - 2015.

So where did the other $7.675 billion go to? To the traditional energy industries, of course. The United States imported over $160 billion of oil and natural gas in 2004, and nothing in this Bill would change that. In fact, the tax provisions dump money into a set of petroleum and gas industries that have record profits.

Nuclear energy received a $1.313 billion benefit for decommissioning costs. The National Academy of Sciences just released its findings that the nuclear storage of waste in 'pools' was not the safest approach in the post-September 11th world, and press reports regarding cover-ups on the safety of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Test Site are being aired frequently."

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